It was a bit breezy in Carr Vale this morning. While walking Rupert I heard a loud thud. Then another thud, this time a lot closer. As I looked around to see what was going on I just happened to look up. And as I did so, I saw something fairly heavy fall out of the sky. Only then did I realize we were walking under an apple tree!
An increase in speed got us out of the danger zone. It has made me think though… I wonder how many people have been injured by falling apples?
If your dog needs a walk, you’ve come to the right place! Andy is happy to walk all types of dog, large or small, whatever breed they may be.
Some walkers don’t walk certain breeds, but that seems a bit unfair to us. It’s not your dog’s fault what size they are or what reputation their type may or may not have. They all want the chance to have a walk just the same.
Walks and home visits are booked in either 30 minute, 45 minute or 1 hour blocks. This is timed from arrival to leaving and can include walking, feeding or supervised time in the garden.
Before you make a firm booking Andy will normally come to meet you and your pet. This visit is totally free of charge and it’s a great chance to ask any questions and to get to know each other.
It’s been unusually hot and sunny for a good few weeks now. And with no end to the warm spell in sight, I thought it was time to let everyone know of the special precautions we are currently taking to make sure all our furry clients stay comfortable in the heat.
Firstly, I have changed the route I walk with some dogs to enable us to spend more time walking in shaded areas. Some routes that are inaccessible in winter due to mud and standing water are currently perfectly ok, so these are being used to keep us on less exposed paths.
I have also curtailed some walks down to around 30 minutes instead of the full hour. Most dogs (including Otis in the photo) are not enjoying their walks so much while it’s hot. So those who want to turn back early are being allowed to do so and usually spend the second half of their hour stretched out in the garden!
Finally, we are currently offering evening walks in place of normal daytime bookings at no extra cost. It’s a lot cooler after 6pm, so anyone who can switch their pet’s walk to an evening time slot is being urged to doso.
I’m pleased to report we’ve had no problems due to the heat. Thanks to everyone for understanding these temporary changes.
Does your dog need a late walk before bed time? Or maybe your cat needs feeding? If you’re going out for the evening or working late, we can help look after your pet. We now offer a full 24 hour service, so your pet can have the best possible care no matter the time of day or night. As usual, you can book either a one off visit or make a regular appointment for your pet. We also offer a full evening pet sitting service.
We have more snow here in Bolsover today, but we are still confident that all our dog walking appointments will be taking place as normal. If there is more snow and any change in our ability to get out to you then the latest news will be posted on this website. We will also attempt to contact all our clients by phone if we are running late or need to postpone walks. However, please note that, at the moment, all walks are still going ahead as normal.
Our appologies if you have been experiencing technical difficulties with our website over that last few days. The server where our site is hosted has suffered a DDOS attack, which effectively took some of the pages down for a couple of days. The good news is no damage was done and things are getting back to normal now. However the web takes a little time to recover, so if you continue to experience access problems over the next few days please bear with us. Remember, if you want to make or ammend a booking with us, you can always give me a quick ring on 07837 306824 or sent a text to the same number.
It’s raining today at our base in Bolsover. At some points it’s been so heavy it was like a wall of water falling out of the sky rather than individual raindrops! I’ve got used to it over the years, but some of our furry friends aren’t too keen, including my own dog, Pippa. So I decided to ring all our clients with walks booked for today and give them the option to re-schedule. The result is all the dogs with 1 hour walks booked today will now be getting an extra walk tomorrow instead.
Of course when nature calls you gotta go, so everyone will be nipping out with their pets for a quick comfort break this afternoon. But when it comes to a nice long walk it seems most dogs would rather sit in front of the fire and look forward to tomorrow.
I can’t say I blaime them really!
Dog walking for Derbyshire, Nottighamshire & South Yorkshire